Telling lies with integrity

Last weeks lecture was on lying instead of comedians. That suited me well as I have written my 2nd assignment on lying already and wanted to check it matched up to the lecture.

During the lecture we looked at whether lying was ever for non selfish reasons and whether being found out was what made lying bad. In my assignment I looked at some opinions which suggested lying was not wrong but the person being lied to finding out made it wrong.

We also looked at whether we are intentionally encouraged or taught how to lie when we are children. Thinking about this after the lecture i realised that certain games especially card games revolve around lying. As far as I can tell poker is basically about getting the best hand and persuading the people who have better hands than you to fold by acting like you are extremely confident with your hand. Isn't this lying? I don't think we are told we should lie when we are children or even taught directly to lie but I think that we pick it up. We learn by watching.

I'm not sure there is anyway to lie with integrity, I think all lying is wrong in principle yet has benefits too. The lecturer said that it was up to us to decide and that we should seriously consider whether we want to lie or not before we do. I think I will avoid lying where possible although using lying for jokes is just too much fun!!!

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