infidelity (pre-lecture ideas)

First thoughts on infidelity are definitely towards why it is bad and wrong. The break up or couples and families; the lies and the cheating. I can also see the attraction to affairs either through boredom or if a person wants to leave the relationship. I personally would never cheat even if I found someone I loved more I would finish with my current partner first, I feel that is only fair.

According to the BBC relationship site

"Although there are many reasons for affairs, most fall into one of four categories:
The boat-rocking affair - when one partner has an underlying dissatisfaction with the relationship. The affair is an unconscious way of drawing attention to the problem and bringing things into the open.
The exit affair - when an affair is used to get out of a relationship. Rather than confront the fact that a relationship isn't working, an affair forces the issue.
The thrill affair - the illicit nature of an affair brings with it an adrenaline rush. Add to that the excitement of sex with someone new and the romantic trimmings of a fresh relationship, and it can seem irresistible.
The three's company affair - can go on for years; it can also describe a string of successive affairs. Some people find it difficult to commit to one person; they feel stifled by monogamy and fear putting all their emotional eggs in one basket. Having a third person on the scene can provide an outlet for difficult emotions."

I think as the BBC has suggested there is also the excitement in taking a risk, a similar experience as in the shoplifting topic.

Net doctor look at whether an affair can be good and they say:

"The early days of an affair are usually all about illicit excitement and sex. And it's quite common for the participants to believe that they can control what's happening and just have a harmless bit of fun. Unfortunately, 99 times out of 100, one of the lovers begins to want something more. Minds get involved as well as genitals. Love develops out of sex. And people start to want more time together, enjoy more and companionship and, frequently, a future. Relationships don't stand still. People having affairs learn this the hard way every day. And life gets more and more complicated and painful as a result. "

I think it can be considered a good thing for the person having an affair, everyone is entitled to a full sex life but at the same time every action we take other people too. It is often considered morally wrong mainly, I think, because of the effects on other people and the belief in monogamy.

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