Comments on Meg's blog

I haven't actually posted a comment on Meg's blog (Just don't expect it to be good... )because I liked her topic and decided to put all my thoughts on the subject on my own blog (it wouldn't fit in the comment box anyway I expect).

The blog entry is titled "The EEEEEEVILS of alcohol".

I agree with her main problems on alcohol:
"Liver damage
Other organ damage
Drink drivers
Rape, street fights etc
Drinks being spiked."

but also I think the risk of acting like a complete idiot, getting arrested or otherwise told off for those idiotic actions or getting angry. Some people I know claim to be complete 'happy drunks' and that's fine. I on the other hand can become an 'angry drunk'. Fortunately when I'm angry I tend to bang and crash about then cry rather than trying to fight people so no harm done (at least physically).

I'm not going to say alcohol is completely evil because I have been drunk and quite enjoyed it at times. My family are regular drinkers but its a social thing. I personally am trying to cut back on my drinking. I enjoy tipsy but don't like being drunk. I always say I'm going to give up then never do.

I honestly think it's not good for me, emotionally.

Anyway back on topic:
It is a popular activity due to the generally nice feeling people experience to start with and the loss of inhibitions which allow people to have fun in ways they wouldn't usually. It can also be considered bad due to the affects on your health, links with violence, increase risk of getting up to things you really shouldn't and higher chance of accidents.

A few sites about alcohol:
Alcohol Concern -against alcohol drinking mainly
Know you limits- promotes sensible drinking
Alcohol stuff- pro-drinking, drinking games and cocktail recipes
Mind, body and soul (wired for health)- has a quiz on alcohol and some basic info
BBC-Health- has the calorie content of the most common drinks
BBC- Science-Hot topics- Alcohol- has a game and a quiz as well as a debate on drinking

To conclude drinking is a legal, popular past-time which has many negative side effect but also gives the drinker an overall good feeling. So bad for you but good fun!!!!!

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